
When you make a purchase online you can be assured that we guarantee customer security at all times. We use the WorldPay Select payment gateway to process credit card orders through our site.

The WorldPay Select payment gateway uses a combination of both established and innovative techniques to ensure the security and integrity of all sensitive data, protecting both the retailers and their shoppers.

All communication between the shopper and WorldPay is encrypted to the maximum strength supported by the shopper’s browser using TLS or SSL (security). Worldpay’s public web servers are certified by Thawte, a public Certificate Authority, ensuring that shoppers and retailers alike can have confidence that nobody can impersonate Worldpay to obtain confidential information.

All communication between the retailer and WorldPay, including the details of the purchase, are encapsulated using encrypted and digitally-signed protocol; this uses a combination of standard methods such as PGP, RSA and MD5 to ensure that the information passed is secure and tamper-proof.

Data storage on Worldpay systems, and the communication between WorldPay and the worldwide banking networks, is regularly audited by the banks themselves.

If you find you have any problems using the website please contact us directly on 01902 764123.